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LIVE EVENT: Step Up to End Corruption & Run Money Out of Politics 2024

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News from the Front Lines of the Fight to End Corruption

Payday Lenders and Racist Practices

By Brooke Zarn and Kristine Baumstark Payday lenders tend to trap people in a never-ending cycle of debt with outrageous interest, and studies show racial bias in industry marketing strategies.  In April of 2021, the Los Angeles Times reported on a study from the University of Houston. Researchers found that payday and title lenders disproportionately target Black […]

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Who Did CARES Really Help?

By Morgan Lowe On March 27, President Trump signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), which seems like it will be the only federal attempt to assist American businesses and citizens as we struggle to make it through the COVID-19 pandemic. But eight months later, one has to question, is this […]

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Fighting the Corruption Behind Climate Change

By Brian Martel The oil industry has been one of the most profitable in history and one of the most politically influential. Not only do oil companies, through their PACs, contribute directly to political campaigns, but they also affect our political discourse in more insidious ways. From the moment the public became aware of climate […]

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Supreme Court Unanimously Affirms that We the People can Control Our Government

By Samuel Fieldman, Wolf-PAC National Counsel The Supreme Court is still capable of making a unanimous decision to enforce basic tenets of Constitutional Law, despite being viewed as ideologically divided. Its July 6 ruling on Chiafalo v. Washington was particularly significant. The high court affirmed that electors to the electoral college, like delegates to a […]

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Citizens United: Cutting through the Controversy

By Brian Martel January 21 marks the 10th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission, which Senator John McCain called, “. . . the most misguided, naive, uninformed, egregious decision. . .” of the century.  Citizens United v FEC effectively threw open the flood gates to big money, freeing […]

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Want to Bring About Political Change? Run for Office.

  By Todd Jagger, Wolf-PAC National Advisor   People come to Wolf-PAC because they want to bring about change in how government represents everyday people. What better way to do that than to be the change yourself? Run for office.  Seriously.  Run for something.  All across the country there are local, state and national races […]

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Winning over Hearts and Minds: Moralitics

By David Leibowitz Every day we find ourselves talking to people from all walks of life. Usually, we avoid politics. Sometimes we get into discussions about who’s running for office or some political issue with family members over the holidays, co-workers around an election,  or even a stranger on the bus. Things might get heated, […]

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Swearing Off PAC Money Won’t Fix America’s Corrupt Politics

  By Brian McFarland “It’s time we acknowledge that not all Democrats are the same. That a Democrat who takes corporate money…cannot possibly represent us,” freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said in her 2018 campaign kickoff video. In recent months, there’s been an uptick of politicians pledging to reject corporate PAC money, and it’s become a […]

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Wolf-PAC and RepresentUS Rally to Protect Transparency in New Jersey

By Lucas Dicus On September 17 at 9:30 am, a coalition of groups and concerned citizens gathered in Trenton, NJ (the state’s capital) to protest a lawsuit filed against a new law targeting dark money in political campaigns.  The End Dark Money Law (EDM) takes major steps to fix corruption on the state level. It […]

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Special Interest Money is Preventing Climate Change Legislation

American voters are largely in favor of developing clean energy solutions, but special interests are preventing them from having a voice. Wolf-PAC has one goal – restoring a United States government that represents its people. In order to accomplish this, we must remove the corrupting influence money has over our elected officials. We feel it’s […]

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Congress Won’t Save American Democracy: We Must Do it Ourselves

The midterms are over, but the fight for a U.S. Constitutional amendment must continue until our government represents us and not special interests. With the midterms over, it’s important to remember that being an active citizen requires more than participating once every couple of years. Excitement from preferred candidates winning can lull us into a […]

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Lessons from Politicon 2018: How to Communicate Effectively When You’re on Opposite Sides of the Political Spectrum

Tips from the non-partisan political convention for starting a constructive conversation with a Republican or Democrat, to find common ground on an issue. Getty Images for Politicon: Cenk Uygur, Steven Olikara, and Tucker Carlson   People with political views from far-Right to far-Left, and everything in between, came together for Politicon at the Los Angeles […]

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