Build Power - End Corruption - Wolf-PAC

Let YOUR Voice Be Heard!

Raised $15750 of our $55000 goal

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Our volunteer Dave tabeling at an event

Our politics today is a perverse system of lies and legalized bribery where politicians and their donors get richer while too many Americans suffer. A system with plenty of money but morally bankrupt. A system designed to pit us against each other without ever addressing the root causes of so many of our problems… the high cost of living, climate change, endless wars, out-of-control spending, the corporate capture of our food, healthcare, big pharma, the opioid crisis, big tech. Honestly, there are just too many to list. That’s the bad news. 

The good news is that Wolf-PAC volunteers have spent the last few years studying and adopting historically proven organizing strategies and tactics. They examined successful amendment movements of the past, including the 17th Amendment (direct election of senators) and the 19th Amendment (repeal of the 18th prohibiting alcohol). Volunteers also trained with our union brothers and sisters, learning how to disregard what divides us and instead focus on how we are all being screwed! Most importantly, we learned how we each need to step up and work with those we may disagree with on other issues. Why? Because history has plenty of receipts that demonstrate that’s how you win! 

Like many, Wolf-PAC was hit hard by the impacts of the pandemic. We’ve had to scale back and currently have just one full-time employee. Our volunteers have been working their butts off to ensure that our organization is set to win, but we can’t win without you. To build a non-partisan movement with the numbers and power needed to win, we need to build a national staff. They say money is free speech, so let your voice be heard! Please consider becoming a monthly donor today, whatever you can afford

With a sustainable monthly donation, support the volunteers and organizations dedicated to working across party lines to save our country. You can’t fight the most powerful big-money special interests without resources. You need money to fight big money in politics. Your country, your freedoms, and your future are on the line! We can only succeed with you and your support. Help build the critical financial resources needed to hire more staff, including 

  • Organizing Director,
  • Fundraising Director,
  • Communications Director, and
  • Tech Director.

Learning from the historical successes of those brave individuals who came before us, the volunteers of Wolf-PAC lead with confidence, courage, and urgency! It’s not too late to save our country, but you must act with urgency to solve this problem so that your children can be free from the destructive consequences of corruption!