Congress is
Your Future
is Being Destroyed

Nothing will change unless YOU take action.
“I support a U.S. Constitutional Amendment to ensure that our elections are free from the disproportionate influence of special interests and fair enough that any citizen can be elected.”
First Action: Add Your Name and grow the people-powered movement in support of the 28th Amendment.

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Political corruption is a weed choking our country, we need to pull it up by the root with an Amendment to overrule the supreme court and bypass congressional gridlock!
I joined because it's the first time I've wholly agreed with a cause on every level and feel called to answer.
I am convinced of the need to change our representation in Congress to be for the people and not special interest groups.
Right now, money in politics is preventing two extremely important issues from being solved: Universal healthcare and action to fight climate change. I want to fight the reach of big businesses in politics in order to ensure that every American has access to affordable healthcare and that we preserve the only planet we have.
Our system needs to change. Money influences everything that happens in Washington, including who is elected to office and what Congress decides is important. Eliminating the influence of money places the power of Congress back in the hands of the people.
I joined Wolf-PAC to help end the corruption in our political system that ignores the needs of the many for the profit of very few.
I'm willing to do anything I can to help the cause.
It’s time for me to get off the sidelines.
I feel that it is my duty to help when and where I can.
I must stop complaining with everyone else about how bad things are. It’s time to get everyone else to help change what we dislike.
I am increasingly upset and frustrated with the corruption of our government through legal conduct. I believe that paying to have one's agenda reflected in public policy is wrong and I want to do something to stop it.
I am not optimistic that we can get any real change without getting money out of politics.
I am willing to do anything it takes to change our system for the better. I just want to contribute to the cause in any way I can.
I love the outdoors and public lands and I feel Representatives only represent special interests on those lands despite the outcry of millions of Americans to preserve and expand them.
I want to help change our country for the better.
Campaign finance must be addressed in order to take our country back from billionaires and corporations.
I want our political system to work for the people, and it can't do that under the influence of bribes.
Some of what other signatories are saying