Politicians Can Now Sign Wolf-PAC’s Pledge to Support the Free and Fair Elections Resolution - Wolf-PAC

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Politicians Can Now Sign Wolf-PAC’s Pledge to Support the Free and Fair Elections Resolution

Any candidate or elected official is invited to sign the Free & Fair Elections Amendment Pledge and show voters they are a champion of the people.

As part of its ongoing effort to bring about a U.S. Constitutional Amendment that frees elections from the influence of special interests and big money, Wolf-PAC has introduced a pledge for candidates and elected officials. It’s called the Free & Fair Elections Amendment Pledge, and those who sign it are promising to support applying for an Article V Convention – by passing a Free and Fair Elections Resolution through the states – to address the issue.

All candidates and elected officials, regardless of party affiliation, are invited to sign the pledge. It offers a way to show voters they’re a champion of the people by committing to “vote in favor of and support the Free and Fair Elections Resolution.” Signers are also encouraged to provide a brief statement explaining their decision.

The pledge, which can be found on Wolf-PAC’s website, just launched and has already started to gather signatures.

Wolf-PAC National Legislative Director John Shen, who was instrumental in implementing the pledge, said he looks forward to seeing state legislators throughout the country show constituents that they understand how urgent the issue of campaign finance reform is by signing.

“We’re excited for this pledge because it gives us an opportunity to recognize and celebrate these people, and, throughout this election season, it gives them a way to demonstrate their commitment to this issue to their voters,” said Shen.

Wolf-PAC volunteers – and other citizens who feel America’s broken campaign finance system needs to be fixed – can help by encouraging their elected official, or anyone running for their state office, to take the pledge.


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