Volunteers Wanted: Help Wyoming Promise Gather Signatures for Its 2020 Ballot Initiative - Wolf-PAC
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Volunteers Wanted: Help Wyoming Promise Gather Signatures for Its 2020 Ballot Initiative

The organization is requesting extra volunteers to circulate petitions that will help get its initiative, An Act to Promote Free and Fair Elections, on the November 2020 ballot.


Wyoming Promise, a grassroots, bipartisan organization with the goal of getting an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to overturn the 2010 Supreme Court decision Citizens United v. FEC, is asking for additional volunteers to help get signatures on a ballot initiative for the 2020 general election.

The initiative, titled An Act to Promote Free and Fair Elections, calls on Congress to propose a 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that addresses campaign finance reform. It also states that if Congress doesn’t heed the call within six months of the initiative being adopted, the state of Wyoming will call for a limited convention, using Article V of the U.S. Constitution to propose that amendment.

So far, Wyoming Promise says it has gathered about half of the 38,818 signatures legally required to get on the ballot. In order to sign the Free and Fair Elections petition, voters must be registered in the state of Wyoming. The group has been working to reach voters throughout the state but says covering such a large geographic area in a sparsely populated state is a challenge.

Additional volunteers are needed to do door-to-door canvassing in several counties or collect signatures at various public events. Petition circulators must be adult U.S. citizens, but they don’t have to be Wyoming residents. The group says many of its 300+ volunteers are willing to offer spare bedrooms for volunteer circulators.

“We must complete our signature gathering by early November 2018 in order to qualify for the 2020 ballot, so we are in crunch time right now,” Wyoming Promise leadership told Wolf-PAC.

To sign up as a volunteer, contact info@wyomingpromise.org or fill out the volunteer form here.
