What I Wish I Knew as a Volunteer Lobbyist Now that I'm a Paid One! - Wolf-PAC

"Things I Learned as a Lobbyist", "Hosted by Kimmie Ishmael" with a photo of Kimmie smiling. Graphic in the style of ripped poster paper.


Tickets are free, but paid support is appreciated!

Hey wolves!

It’s Kimmie from Kentucky here!

Many years ago Wolf-PAC came into my life. As a new mom at the time, I wanted to get to the root of the many issues I cared about, to make the world a better place for my son. Starting out as a volunteer and eventually becoming a National Coordinator, I made friendships that will last me a lifetime.

But, as a community organizer I often felt out of place when it came to policy, legislation, and advocacy, but Wolf-PAC helped me harness my strengths to be able to understand that world more.And now! Now I am back to spill some tea.

I am currently a lobbyist for a nonprofit organization that focuses on agricultural issues. From poultry processing to defunding safety net programs, over the last two years I have seen just how money in politics impacts every issue across the board.

Join me on Thursday January 26th for a discussion and to take a deep dive into what I wish I would’ve known when I was a citizen lobbyist. It’s through my lens of living in a deep red state and what I see from “the good side.” I’ll talk about finding your people, where to look for research, and how to set up a policy strategy.

It’s at 12pm EST but don’t worry! If you can’t make that one, we will have another at 7:30pm EST! Make sure to grab your ticket and to tell a friend, and I’ll see you on Thursday!

Thursday January 26th
12:00 – 1:30 PM ET, or 7:30 – 9:00 PM ET

Photo of Kimmie Ishmael smiling

Your Host Kimmie Ishmael

Long time Wolf-PAC volunteer, former National Coordinator from Kentucky. Currently a lobbyist for a nonprofit organization that focuses on agricultural issues. From poultry processing to defunding safety net programs, over the last two years I have seen just how money in politics impacts every issue across the board.

Event Contact Details:

🐺 Wolf-PAC Events Team – events@wolf-pac.com


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