Frequently Asked Questions - Wolf-PAC
LIVE EVENT: Step Up to End Corruption & Run Money Out of Politics 2024

Frequently Asked Questions


Do we join forces with [insert other group name here]?


We support all organizations working to end corruption and restore the integrity of our elections, especially those who share our common goal of a Free & Fair Elections Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. At the same time, focus is one of our biggest strengths. We never get distracted from our goal of achieving a 28th amendment by pushing for an Article V Convention because most U.S. Constitutional amendments have included a convention campaign, and we believe in using the wisdom of history as our guide to victory.


How are you funded?


We are extremely proud to say that our Members are the lifeblood of our organization and allow us to continue the fight for Free & Fair Elections. The vast majority of our memberships are everyday people contributing $10 to $25 per month. This is what allows us to remain independent and accountable to the people, which is exactly what we demand of our government.


How do you know an Article V Convention can be limited to a single topic?


The conclusion of every peer reviewed report done about the Article V convention process has concluded that the states have the ability to call for a limited convention and that there are mechanisms in place for those limitations to be enforced. To read these very informative and thorough reports click here.


What is your amendment language?


The U.S. Constitution states that amendments shall be proposed by Congress or a convention. Therefore, we do not promote specific amendment language – that’s the role of Congress or a convention, not an advocacy group. Our mission is to create the political will to see an amendment proposed and ratified that fixes our broken campaign finance system. Whether an amendment is proposed by either Congress or a convention, the language must be bipartisan and reflect the overwhelming will of the people in order to be ratified by 38 states and become a part of the U.S. Constitution.


Should I write an op-ed about what we are doing in my local newspaper or on my blog?


Op-eds can be a valuable tool to help our efforts, and it’s important that we present the right message to accomplish the goals in your state. Please be mindful that the message that goes out to your entire community could help or hurt us. Every situation, district, and state is different. Please send an email to to coordinate with our national team. Let’s work together to accomplish our mutual goals.


Should we talk with U.S. Congressmen who we know support campaign finance reform?


Our Theory of Change only requires support from our State Legislators. The beauty of our strategy is that we do not need Congress and are in fact going around them. Staying focused on our strategy of working through the states is our fastest (and most reliable) path to victory. If you have further questions about this, contact your state team at [yourstate] (ex:


I have a suggestion. What do I do next?


Suggest it! – and be mindful that we have an organizational structure in place that helps us to streamline communication: it’s good practice to talk with your team leader first to see if your suggestion has already been discussed or even attempted. Email your suggestion to [yourstate] (ex: and we’ll respond to you as quickly as we can.