Virtual Volunteering - Wolf-PAC
LIVE EVENT: Step Up to End Corruption & Run Money Out of Politics 2024

Virtual Volunteering

Wolf-PAC’s Communications Team creates content of many varieties in our work to drive the most important mission of our generation: fighting back against the corruption and oppression caused by the big-monied special interests that have bought our elected officials. To join the team and help us with any of the volunteer positions listed below, please fill out this form.

Admin Operator

The Administrative Operations Section (“Admin Ops”) strives to create the most efficient and productive operating environment for the WP Comms Team. We propose, develop, and launch projects or improvements in various areas (i.e. project management, data tracking), all designed to improve the productivity of the various Comms sub-teams.

We’re looking for volunteers to join as Admin Operators. As an Admin Ops for Wolf-PAC, you will design or execute projects that will support the rest of the Comms Team.

Admin Operators work in 3 main categories. You should have interest in one of these core areas to join the Admin Ops team:

  • Data Sweeping: These Ops carry out simple, repetitive workflows to enter or remove data from the Comms team’s project tracker. 
    • Example: You would read some instructions on how to transfer project requests from an external spreadsheet, into our Comms team project tracker.
  • Workflow Leads: These Ops analyze the needs of the comms team, and design workflows to make things more efficient. These workflows are typically carried out by the data sweepers
    • Example: You would be assigned to create a brand new process for cleaning up data in Airtable. You would write the process steps and assign tasks to data sweepers.
  • Automation: These Ops analyze current processes of the Comms team, and develop lower cost alternatives to those processes, typically with the help of technology and integrations.
    • Example: You would learn how a certain team completes their work, and figure out how they might get things done faster by using a new tool, or by changing something in the team’s project tracker to sync with Slack.

About you:

General requirements:

  • Passion for getting the influence of big-monied special interests out of politics
  • Familiarity with AP writing style
  • Ability to work both independently and collaboratively

Workflow Leads and Automation:

  • Project or program management experience
  • Familiarity with Google Workplace apps (especially Sheets)
  • Familiarity with productivity or project management tools (Airtable, Slack, etc)
  • Ability to work independently with little guidance

Be on the front lines of the issue that affects every other issue Americans care about, that affects our daily lives, that affects whether we can pursue life, liberty, and happiness — and be unquestionably free.


We’re looking for volunteer editors to join our opinion division. As an editor for Wolf-PAC, you will help writers create well-crafted blog posts and op-eds. The content we create allows Wolf-PAC to educate legislators and constituents about the urgency of campaign finance reform and our plan to restore free and fair elections.

In addition to editing, you’re invited to work with the other members of the team to devise campaigns and test different strategies to reach our audience. 

We are a highly collaborative team. There will be many times when you’ll need to work closely with our writers, team organizers, graphic designers, and other members of the Communications Team.

About you:

  • You’re passionate about getting the influence of big-monied special interests out of politics.
  • 1-3 years in a junior or higher editing position for a major company, campaign, or news outlet and a demonstrated ability to edit and develop messaging around complex issues.
  • Excellent writing, editing, and verbal communication skills, including command of AP writing style.
  • Strong proofreading skills.
  • Ability to work both independently and collaboratively.
  • Willing to nurture the author-editor relationship to maximize collaborative creativity.
  • You love to craft a narrative and are able to explain complex concepts to everyday people. 
  • You stay up to date on current events and are eager to learn how the broken campaign finance system has led to many of the issues that impact average Americans. 

Graphic Designer

We’re looking for graphic designers to join the graphic design division of our volunteer Communications Team. As a graphic designer for Wolf-PAC, you’ll visualize and create graphics to be used across our media platforms, design custom merchandise (our graphics division designed members-only t-shirts), ensure that graphics meet our brand standards for colors and style, and work with writers and editors to produce infographics.

We are a highly collaborative team. There will be many times when you’ll need to work closely with researchers, writers, and other members of the Communications Team.

About you:

  • You’re passionate about getting the influence of big-monied special interests out of politics.
  • You have proven graphic design experience with a strong portfolio of illustrations or other graphics.
  • You work in Adobe. We utilize the Adobe Creative Suite, primarily Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign within the graphics division. We gladly welcome any animation skills as well (After Effects or Premiere).
  • You’re able to work both independently and collaboratively.
  • You value feedback from other team members and are willing to modify designs.
  • You’re able to follow a graphic style guide and ensure that final graphics and layouts are visually appealing and on brand.

Newsletter Writer

We’re looking for volunteer writers to join our newsletter division. As a newsletter writer for Wolf-PAC, you will create well-crafted email newsletters to be sent to donors, volunteers, and supporters. These allow Wolf-PAC to fundraise and communicate important updates with members and volunteers. 

In addition to writing, you’ll work with the other members of our newsletter team to devise campaigns and test different strategies to reach our audience. 

We are a highly collaborative team. There will be many times when you’ll need to work closely with our editors, graphic designers, and other members of the Communications Team..

About you:

  • You’re passionate about getting the influence of big-monied special interests out of politics.
  • 1 year in a junior or higher writing position for a major company, campaign, or news outlet and a demonstrated ability to write and develop messaging around complex issues.
  • Excellent writing, editing, and verbal communication skills, including command of AP writing style.
  • Ability to work both independently and collaboratively.
  • Bonus if you have previous newsletter writing experience!

Op-Ed Writer

We’re looking for volunteer writers to join our op-ed division. As an op-ed writer for Wolf-PAC, you will create original, well-researched opinion pieces for local and national publications. These are instrumental in helping Wolf-PAC volunteers to pass resolutions for free and fair elections in their states.

Here’s an example of the pieces we write:

About you:

  • You’re passionate about getting the influence of big-monied special interests out of politics.
  • 1-3 years in a junior or higher writing position for a major company, campaign, or news outlet and a demonstrated ability to write and develop messaging around complex issues.
  • Excellent writing, editing, and verbal communication skills, including command of AP writing style.
  • Ability to use word-processing software, including the track-changes editing function.
  • Ability to work both independently and collaboratively.
  • Willingness to brainstorm corruption-related topics with team members. 
  • You value feedback from other team members and are willing to modify compositions.

Social Media Content Creator

We’re looking for volunteer copywriters and social media creators to join our social media division. As a social media creator for Wolf-PAC, you will write, edit, and publish engaging content for our social media channels, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You’ll also work with team members to optimize social posts, develop content strategy, and grow our audience. 

In addition to writing and editing social media content, you’ll work with the other members of our team to devise campaigns and test different strategies to reach our audience. 

We are a highly collaborative team. There will be many times when you’ll need to work closely with researchers, graphic designers, and other members of the Communications Team.

About you:

  • You’re passionate about getting the influence of big-monied special interests out of politics.
  • At least 1 year in a junior or higher writing or social media position for a major company, campaign, or news outlet and a demonstrated ability to write and develop messaging around complex issues.
  • Excellent writing, editing, and verbal communication skills, including command of AP writing style.
  • Ability to work both independently and collaboratively.
  • A keen eye for selecting curated content that will resonate with a brand’s audience.
  • Ability to select appealing images to complement text.
  • An eye for interpreting analytics and the ability to optimize posts (language, tone, message) based on our target audience’s behaviors.
  • You know what SEO stands for and have some experience with keyword research and analytics tools.

Video Editor

We’re looking for video editors to help produce content for YouTube and social media. As a video for Wolf-PAC, you’ll visualize and create short and long videos to be used across our media platforms.

We are a highly collaborative team. There will be many times when you’ll need to work closely with researchers, writers, graphic designers, and other members of the Communications Team.

About you:

  • You’re passionate about getting the influence of big-monied special interests out of politics.
  • You have proven video editing experience with a portfolio of examples.
  • You work in Adobe Creative Suite (that’s our preferred program).
  • You’re able to work both independently and collaboratively.
  • You value constructive feedback from other team members and are willing to modify projects..