The Jerseyan Pack
Garden StateState Mission Accomplished – Then Repealed.
New Jersey successfully passed the Wolf-PAC Free and Fair Elections Resolution – then it came under attack in 2021 and was repealed. The team will need to build more people-power in the state of New Jersey to ensure that we can not only pass the resolution again but make sure the legislators never repeal it. This will be a big task and that’s why we need your help! See a list of ways you can help by clicking here.
Take Action and Email your Legislators
Use our email outreach tool to quickly and easily identify your home district Representative and Senator and send them a message that you support the Free and Fair Elections Resolution. This usually takes less than 1 minute to do and it really makes an impact when state legislators hear from more constituents in their own districts.
Look up your State Legislators? Who represents you in the upper and lower houses of your state? It's crucial to get to know your state legislators so that you can start a dialogue and get them to support our mission — you have a lot of power on the local level, time to start using it!
If you live in New Jersey we really need you to join the team!
There are many different levels of participation and ways to get involved. Each person who joins us makes us that much stronger. Sign up to volunteer and get connected with the local New Jersey team today.
Contact the New Jersey team directly here:
newjersey@wolf-pac.comFor helpful resources and quizzes that teach more about Wolf-PAC's mission, visit the learn more section.